Thursday, October 25, 2012

Bass Group Mystery Tour

Members of hostess branch Glen Alvie have been anxiously monitoring the weather predictions for today, hoping for a dry day so members could enjoy the wonderful vistas of the Cranbourne Botanical Garden.

Monday, September 17, 2012

West Gippsland Group Creative Arts Exhibition

An invitation from the West Gippsland Group
to their Creative Arts Exhibition

on Friday 19th October 2-5pm
and Saturday 20th October 10-3-30pm

At Pakenham Library Hall
Cost $5-00 admission
Stalls and light refreshments available

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Bass Group Half Year Conference

Our first evening Conference with Belinda representing the recently formed evening branch - Nyora Nights.
The Grantville ladies certainly have style - the delegates table was stunning - shimmering tea lights on upside down wine glasses.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Bass Group Half Year Conference

Women from across the Group are coming together for our Half Year Conference at Grantville Hall. 

on Tuesday 21st August from 5-30pm

All women, all ages, all places - are most welcome

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

CWA of Victoria project begins in the Bass region; a gift from our members to newborn babes.

In partnership with local Maternal & Child Health Nurses, newborn babes are given either Matching Bootties & Beanies or a Knitted Teddie.

Members, far & wide, are very busy knitting.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

2012 State Conference

In lovely sunny Swan Hill some 750 women came together for our State Conference.
Branches in Bass Group were represented:
Pam Mawson - Group President & Woodleigh Vale Branch member
Lyn and Abbie also represented Woodleigh Vale Branch
Libby represented Glen Alvie Branch
Lois represented Loch Branch
Unfortunately members from Cowes Branch were not able to attend due to illness.
A great will be posted when received.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Women and friends Walking in Nyora

Women Walk the World event............
A wonderful day with 25 or so walking around the township of Nyora and then enjoying a Devonshire Tea after.

getting ready to head off for walk - note bucket of water

on the home stretch

time for tea

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Women Walk the World

Join with the Nyora Night Branch and others of the Bass Group and be part of this worldwide walk event.

Women and girls are the water haulers of the world, spending much of the day collecting water, limiting their ability to gain an education, to earn an income. The UN Decade for Water finishes in 2015, more work is urgently needed to provide access to a safe, nearby source of water for many millions of people. 

Walk as far as you are able.....All welcome, join us on a Nyora Township Walk.

Time: 2pm       At: Nyora Hall, Nyora
Devonshire Tea available from 3pm
RSVP: Belinda on 56596377

for more info and other places in Victoria women are walking see

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Bass Group AGM and Half Year Conference

Deputy State President, Dorothy Coombe, was (a very lively and stimulating) guest speaker at the Bass Group AGM and Half Year Conference. Dorothy (in pink) with Bass Group President Pam Mawson (standing), and Bass Group Secretary Carol Young. A most enjoyable day held at the Glen Alvie Community Centre, looking out on the rolling hills of Gippsland. Hostess branch being the Glen Alvie Branch - these ladies do things with such style, the flower arrangements were stunning, the room just lovely to walk into, the food fantastic.......

Delegates getting ready for Bass Group AGM and Half Year Conference. Member from six branches attended and celebrated the formation of a seventh branch - the Nyora Nights and look forward to their particpation at future conference and Group events.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Junior Members

The members of Loch Branch are very pleased to welcome 2 new Junior members.
Welcome girls.